Welcome to SUNY Oneonta's Patient Portal
All new users must register; this portal is separate from other Oneonta sites you may have already registered for. To activate your account, please click the Register button at the top right. When you are registering, you create your own unique user name. It can be the same as your other Oneonta accounts. Your email is your Oneonta email.
Once logged in you will have access to online services such as:
- Student self-scheduling (this feature is not currently accessible)
- Secure communication (you can respond to a message from health center staff but cannot initiate a new message at this time)
- Obtain immunization records
- Upload Immunization records
- Complete health history and other required forms
- Complete meningitis response form
We are committed to protecting your personal information. Data that you provide cannot be viewed by anyone else on the Web and is securely maintained by industry standard SSL (secure socket layer) encryption and decryption technology when needed.